Translate Language Cities and Region in Front-end
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Step 1: You need to execute the below command in your command prompt. “php bin/magento i18n:collect-phrases –output=”app/code/Magecomp/Cityandregionmanager/i18n/en_US.csv” app/code/Magecomp/Cityandregionmanager”
–>If your use other langauge to translate word then you need to change file name as per your langauge package. “php bin/magento i18n:collect-phrases –output=”app/code/Magecomp/Cityandregionmanager/i18n/ar_SA.csv” app/code/Magecomp/Cityandregionmanager”
Step 2: After you need to add city,states in your langauge app/code/Magecomp/Cityandregionmanager/i18n/en_US.csv file
Step 3: After Add Text in the en_US.csv/ar_SA.csv file you need to run your Magento command.
that’s it! incase you need any technical assist