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Once you have successfully installed the extension, go to Stores -> Configuration -> Sales -> Shipping Methods to configure the extension for use. Here you can find various settings for the Flat rate shipping.
Flat Rate 1: Set Yes to enable multiple flat rate shipping extension.
Method Name: Enter the method name.
Title: Enter the title to show in frontend.
Type: Select the fee application type.
Price: Enter the price for this method.
Calculate Handling Fee: Option to calculate handling fee either fixed or in percentage.
Handling Fee: Enter the fee amount.
Ship to Applicable Countries: Select countries to apply the shipping method.
Show Method if Not Applicable: Option to display method.
Displayed Error Message: Enter the error message to display in the front.
Maximum Order Amount For Free Shipping: Enter the maximum order amount to allow free shipping.
Minimum Order Amount For Free Shipping: Enter the minimum order amount to allow free shipping.
Add Instructions in HTML Code: Enter text to add instructions or notes along with the shipping method. This will show up to customers in the front end.
Sort Order: Set the sort order of flat rate shipping method in frontend.