SMS Gateway
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Last updated
NOTE – We can integrate any SMS API Gateway on request. If you don’t want all SMS add-ons to be installed, you can go for anyone SMS addon installation.
For example,
SMS Addons are already added to our standard extension package.
One SMS Addon is required to get a dropdown in SMS API configuration.
SMS Gateway: Select MSG91 SMS Gateway from the dropdown.
Msg91 Sender ID: Enter the sender ID or Name provided by MSG91.
MSG91 Authentication Key: Enter the authentication key of MSG91.
Send Message API: Select the API for sending messages as DLT Template or Campaign Template.
Route: Select the route from the dropdown, whether you need to send it as promotional or transactional.
API URL: Enter API URL for MSG91.
DLT Dev Mode: Admin can activate the DLT dev mode from here.
SMS Gateway: Select Twilio SMS Gateway from the dropdown.
NOTE: In order to use Twilio SMS Gateway, you need to run the ‘composer require twilio/sdk‘ command in the terminal.
Twilio Account SID: You need to enter the Account SID from Twilio.
Twilio Auth Token: Enter the Auth Token from Twilio.
Twilio Mobile Number: Enter the mobile number that you have purchased at Twilio.