Extension Installation Guide for Magento Marketplace Extension
Last updated
Last updated
First go to Marketplace Customer Login page.
Now login to your Marketplace Account by entering email id and password and if you don’t have account yet simply click on Register button to create new account.
Now, click on the top- right corner menu and select “My Profile”
And then select “Access Keys” link located under “My Products” tab.
Here, you will have Access Key to your purchase products.
Again click on the top- right corner menu and select “My Profile”
And then select “My Purchases” link located under “My Products” tab
Now, at the bottom of extension “Download” button you will find arrow key to see technical details of specific extension, simply copy details to safe place.
First make sure that composer is installed on your Magento Sever, if you haven’t installed composer yet then simply type “Composer install” command in your console to install composer on your server.
Now, run command below command followed by your extension name and version of extension that you want to install on your server.
Composer require <extension name>:<version>
Now, it will ask you to enter your public API key as username and private API key as password of your marketplace account.
Once you enter required details, simply hit enter and it will start installing extension.
To disable extension in emergency case:
php bin/magento module:disable MODULE_NAME => Module: Disable
To enable Extension after disable:
php bin/magento module:enable MODULE_NAME => Module: Enable
To uninstall extension from Magento server:
php bin/magento module:uninstall MODULE_NAME => Module: Uninstall
To know the current status of Extension:
php bin/magento module:status => Module: Status
Only the extension related issues will be resolved under the support.
Below services are NOT covered with the given support:
Compatibility check between Magento and other extensions
Extension modification or customization
Third-party developer consultations
For more information please drop us an email at support@magecomp.com if you have any questions or problems or need our support.
Our support staff will get back with you as soon as possible within 24 hours.