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Once the extension is installed successfully, go to Stores>Configuration to configure the extension for use.
Enabled: Enable or Disable the extension from here. Set it as enabled to use the features of the extension. Title: Admin will need to add payment gateway title here to display on the front end of the store. Merchant Id, Working Key, Access Code: Admin will need to add Merchant Id, Working Key and Access Code here. It is provided by the CCAvenue Merchant Panel
Sandbox: Admin can enable the sandbox testing functionality from here. Accepted Currency: Admin can select their desired currency to accept via CCAvenue payment gateway. New Order Status: Admin can set new order status from this section if there is any suspect found of fraud. Payment From Applicable Countries: Select the option for specific countries or for all countries from here. Payment From Specific Countries: If you select the specific countries option then select the countries you desire to accept payment from here. Sort Order: From here admin can set an order to display this payment option at the checkout page as per their desire.