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Once you have successfully installed the extension, go to Store -> Configuration to configure the extension for use.
Restrict Fake Registration: Option to enable or disable the extension.
Domain Restriction Type: Set domain restriction type either inclusive or exclusive list as per your business needs.
Domains List: Simply enter the list of domains that you want restrict separated by a comma.
Domain Restriction Message: Set message that you want to show for domain restriction in store frontend.
First & Last Name Character Limit: Set character limit for customer name if needed.
Word Exclusion List for Customer Name: The extension allows you to add a list of words separated by a comma that you can restrict in customer name.
Word Exclusion List Restriction Message: Set message that you want to display for restriction of using common words in customer name.
IP Blacklist: You can simply enter a list of comma-separated IPs if you don’t want to accept customer registration from that IP.